EQMT 300: Equine Massage Therapist 300 Hour Program
The EQMT 300 series of classes are for students who do not have a human massage license. This course includes 40 weekly lessons.
WA State Students: On-line or Long-Distance students are required to take the 50 hour hands on Lab–101, after completing 250 hours of course material.
Out of State Students: On-Line and Long Distance students from States or Countries that do not regulate equine massage, includes 40 Lessons and “how to” videos. This option doesn’t require Lab-101 but it is highly recommended. Students will need to be able to send video representation of their massage skills to instructor through-out course, for practical evaluation. This course is an in-depth comprehensive class, requiring considerable effort, time and dedication. A student needs to be self-motivated and study outside of class. Successful students need to prepare to study a minimum of 10 hours outside of class a week to succeed.
LAB -101 (50 Hours Hands-on) Theses hands on hours are required for WA State students in the On-line & Long Distance classes. Or for any therapist who wants more live one on one instruction, or even as a refresher. Topics covered in this lab are behavior & handling, safety, first-aid, theory & practice foundational “Swedish” massage techniques, kinesiology, anatomy & physiology, gait analysis, conformation, palpation, business practices and record keeping.
LAB – 102 Advance Technique Lab (50 Hour’s Hands-on.) Prerequisite is Lab 101. This Lab is for therapists, who need the additional hours to qualify for NBCAAM. (therapist need 200 hours in animal massage to qualify for the “National” exam). Is also a great CE class for therapist wanting to learn advance techniques; myo-fascial release, structural integration, acupressure, muscle testing, micro current stimulation and red light therapy.
Note on “LABS”: WA State & NBCAAM require a certain amount of hands-on (live) instruction. For students from States that do not regulate equine massage therapy by law, nor require hands on hours, it is not mandatory to participate in the 50 hour hands on-labs, although they are highly recommended for students who can travel to the LES Campus. These Out-of-State students will be provided many LES videos of hands-on training to cover required subject matter of Theory & Practice, Behavior & Handling, Safety and Advance Techniques. These videos consist of live footage of Mary Lou Langley demonstrating and instructing the hands-on portion of the On-campus class with actual students.
EQMT 301: On Campus
Length 8 months: September – May annually.
Day Class: Class is on Tuesdays from 9am – 4:30pm.
Night Class: 5 pm – 9pm. (3 student minimum) Monday and Thursday, dates published upon interest.
Due to weather restrictions an additional day (normally a Saturday) may be added.
EQMT 302: Online
This class will be offered year-round via the Langley Equine Studies web site. Upon completion of course material with a GPA of 75% or higher, WA State students are required to attend Lab-101. Lab will be on-campus, for 6 days, 8 hour a day.. Hands-on “Lab” has to be completed within 12 months of enrollment. Designated weeks are set through-out the year for completion of the hands on training.
Scope & Sequence – Equine Massage Therapist EQMT 300 Hour Courses
Method of Instruction: is instructor-lead, lecture, demonstrator, practical exercise, distance learning, lab, computer-assisted, video’s and other media and the self-study method.
To start and grow an equine massage practice, a student must be able to be confident and communicate with equine professionals. A graduate needs to be able to evaluate a horse and effectively treat him / her so that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that your work is valuable and effective. The therapeutic approach taught at Langley Equine studies is “Swedish Massage” techniques, a combination of Myo-fascial Release, Neuromuscular, and Structural Reintegration and acupressure modalities. Functional Anatomy, Anatomy of Equine Movement, Pathophysiology of Pain and Fitness are also taught. Langley Equine Studies is an intensive program of study to discover a greater level of awareness and communication between human and horse as the basis for therapeutic treatment. Successful business practices, marketing and record-keeping are also included in the core curriculum.
Sequence of course: The 300 hundred hour equine massage programs must include a minimum of instruction, related to large animals as follows:
(a) Theory & Practice in Technique: Instruction consists of seventy-five hours in general animal massage techniques. Of those 75 hours, thirty-five of those hours will be practical or hands-on instruction. The instruction will include but not be limited to, the following subjects:
- Technique:
- Stroking including effleurage, and gliding
- Percussions, including tapotement
- Compressions
- Friction, including rubbing, and gliding with pressure
- Swedish gymnastics or movements
- Petrissage or Kneading
- Range of motion and stretching
- Fascial or connective tissue stretching
- Contraindications in zoonotic diseases
- Documentation and record-keeping
- Physiological benefits
- Palpation
- Body-mechanics of the therapist
(b) Kinesiology instruction will consist of sixty hours. Twenty-one of those hours will be practical or hands-on instruction. The instruction will include the following subjects:
- Biomechanics, including range of motion, gait analysis, and muscle actions
- Conformation analysis
- Observation
(c) Anatomy & Physiology: Consists of seventy-five hours of instruction. Twenty-one of those hours will be practical or hands-on instruction.
- The instruction in anatomy and physiology will include the function and structure of the following systems:
- Skeletal
- Muscular
- Nervous
- Digestive
- Circulatory
- Endocrine
- Lymphatic
- Reproductive and Urinary
- The instruction in anatomy and physiology will include the relationship and effect of massage on the following systems:
- Endocrine system
- Integumentary
- Fascial anatomy
(d) Behavior & Handling: Seventy-five hours, with twenty-one of those hours being practical or hands-on instruction. The instruction will include the following subjects:
- Breed characteristics
- Body language
- Social dynamics
- Signs of stress
- Communication
- Methods of restraints