Clinics are available locally in Eastern Washington at the Langley Equine Studies campus or can be hosted by horse enthusiasts at other facilities around the nation. Clinics being held off site need a 10-participant minimum for booking the event.
A 3-student minimum is required for on-campus events. All clinics offered involve Q & A discussion, lecture, clinic take home textbook, verbal testing in the classroom and hands-on sessions in the barn with real horses.
We all know, horses don’t speak “English” and therefore can’t tell us if they have a headache or back ache like we can. They have different ways to communicate when they are not feeling right. This type of communication is non-verbal. It is seen in their countenance, body language, gait, lack of performance and what some call misbehaving, “bad” or ill behavior like bucking, rearing, swishing tail, bolting or spooking, etc. A lot of this behavior is stemming from pain.
It is amazing what simple massage strokes can do for a muscle sore horse. For instance; a horse standing base narrow on the front may all of sudden stand correctly distanced apart, or a cocked hind leg adjusts and the horse stands squarely. True lameness needs to be diagnosed by a veterinarian but many issues under saddle can be resolved with massage. The 2-Day “How To” Massage Your Own Horse Clinic is great for this assessment and gain the knowledge to help your horse.
Mary Lou Langley, owner and operator of Langley Equine Studies, teaches that undiagnosed and untreated pain often causes horses to fail in their owners desired discipline. Over decades of practical experience in private practice and as an avid horse owner, rider and instructor she has learned how to “read” a horse’s body language and then use massage and or other bodywork methods including micro -current therapy / laser / low frequency sound- wave to relieve muscular pain, caused by stress, tension, adhesions, trauma and injuries. The benefits of massage for the horse are significant, a pain-free horse that feels better, therefore behaves and performs more willingly and has a better chance at success. A healthy horse is a happy horse.
Massage is a great remedy for muscular pain and savvy horse owners have learned it is a major key to the maintenance and well-being of their horses.
We offer the following clinics:
- Kinetic Myo-Fascial Lines Clinics (2-day clinic: $400)
- May 24th – 25th, 2025
- October 4th – 5th. 2025
- “What’s the Point” Acupressure Clinic (2-day clinic: $400)
- July 16th – 17th, 2025
- October 29th – 30th, 2025
- Professional Therapist Clinic (2-day clinic: $400)
- June 21st – 22nd, 2025
These clinics are excellent continued education opportunities for therapist seeking CE hours. Additional dates will be added upon interest.
*It is advised for the layperson to attend the “How To” massage your own horse clinic prior to attending any of the myo-fascial release clinics.
If interested in attending any of the above mentioned clinics or to reserve your position in class, please call me at 509-246-8053 or 509-855-8697 or click here to send us an email.
Interested in hosting a clinic in your area? Contact us for more info.